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Dragos Stock

Company Profile:

Dragos is an industrial cybersecurity company with a global mission to safeguard civilization from cyber attackers who threaten the world's industrial infrastructure.

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Dragos Management Team

  • Director

    Byron Knight

  • General Counsel

    Betsty Guarnieri

  • Chief Marketing Officer

    Peter Vescuso

  • Director

    Sameer Reddy

  • Director

    Robert Ackerman

  • Founder, CEO, Director

    Robert M. Lee

  • Director

    Joydeep Bhattacharyya

  • Director

    William Joseph Fehrman

  • Executive Administrator

    Jill Filipiak

  • Chief Revenue Officer

    Rick Kramer

  • Chief Data Scientist

    Justin Cavinee

  • Chief Information Security Officer

    Ben Miller

  • Director

    Dmitri Alperovitch

  • Chief Technology Officer, Director

    Jonathan Lavender

  • Director

    Ekta Sign-Bushell

  • Chief Financial Officer

    Darren Sankbeil

  • Chief People Officer

    Angela Crossman

  • Chief Product Officer

    Jodi Schatz

Dragos Major Investors

  • National Grid Partners (NGP)

  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise

  • AllegisCyber Capital

  • Energy Impact Partners (EIP)

  • Schweitzer Engineering Labs

  • Global Reservce Group LLC

  • Saudi Aramco Energy Ventures LLC

  • Rockwell Automation

  • Koch Disruptive Technologies (KDT)

  • DataTribe

  • WestCap Group

  • Allegis Capital LLC

  • The Emerson Electric Co.

  • BlackRock Inc

  • Canaan Partners

Learn More About Dragos Stock

Buy Dragos Stock
Dragos stock does not trade on public stock exchanges. Dragos stock is considered a private security and you need to be an accredited investor to purchase shares. To invest in Dragos stock you can either buy shares directly through the company or work with a secondary trading marketplace like Nasdaq Private Market. Get started to begin exploring private market opportunities.
Sell Dragos Stock
Dragos Stock does not trade on public stock exchanges. In order to sell Dragos shares you need to work directly with the company or with a secondary trading marketplace like Nasdaq Private Market. NPM has more than a decade of experience helping sell shares on the private market to our network of institutional investors. Get started to begin exploring private market opportunities.
Dragos Stock Price
Dragos does not have a publicly available stock price because it is privately held and not traded on public stock exchanges. Through the Tape D™ database from Nasdaq Private Market, you can view Dragos share price and other valuable private market data. Get started to begin exploring the Nasdaq Private Market Tape D™ database.
Dragos Stock Ticker Symbol
There is no ticker symbol for Dragos stock because it is a private company. Private companies do not have ticker symbols like public companies, they are identified primarily by using the company “street” name or legal name. Get started to begin exploring the Nasdaq Private Market Tape D™ database.
Criteria to Sell Dragos Stock
Nasdaq Private Market currently works with employees, ex-employees, and other company investors. In order to sell Dragos stock you need to receive the company’s approval, which Nasdaq Private Market manages on your behalf.
Criteria to Buy or Invest in Dragos Stock
Currently, Nasdaq Private Market only works with institutional investors to purchase private company stock. In order to invest in Dragos stock you need to be an institutional investor. Get started to begin exploring the Nasdaq Private Market Tape D™ database.
Dragos Stock Settlement
Once you buy or sell stock share ownership must transfer before funds are wired. With Nasdaq Private Market, clients leverage our patent-pending Transfer and Settlement technology which streamlines and manages transfer activity from match to settlement.
Dragos IPO
Dragos is a private company and has not had an IPO. There is currently no Dragos IPO price. Get started to begin exploring the Nasdaq Private Market Tape D™ database and gain access to actionable data related to Dragos IPO.
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Source: Nasdaq Private Market Tape D™